
Canada Arts Connect - Sponsor Ad Info

Interested in advertising on Canada Arts Connect?
When you Sponsor Canada Arts Connect, your ad will be seen daily by hundreds of artistic professionals across the country (with a dedicated readership that grows each day and spans now into the US, the UK, Australia, and beyond).
You will also have the opportunity to reach the Canada Arts Connect community through special offers available only to advertising Sponsors.
On top of all that, you will be helping to keep Canada Arts Connect up and running, in turn supporting Canadian arts & artists.
Check out the Sponsor details below for more info...

Sponsor ads are $20/month, or $100 for a 6 month bundle (like getting one month free!). All ads appear on the right sidebar.
Sponsor ads run for a minimum of one month starting either the 1st or 15th of the month. Please submit your ad image no less than 4 days prior to these dates.
All ads are standard 125 by 125 pixels, with a minimum of 150 dpi resolution. Please submit them in jpeg, gif, or bmp format. Please email all images to cac@desireeo.com.
* If you are unsure about any of the requirements, email for info and help :)
Payment is accepted by cheque/money order, Interac email money transfer, or Paypal (credit cards accepted through Paypal - no account needed!). Let us know how you would prefer to pay and we can provide you with details. Payment is due upon receipt of the invoice.
* If paying by credit card or Paypal, feel free to use the buttons on the right-hand sidebar to process your Sponsor Ad payment right now.
Upon booking your ad, please let us know the start date and for how many months you would like it to run for. If you would like to link your ad to your website/email, please provide the link/address.
Please email cac@desireeo.com
with any questions or to book an ad.

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